MRE Peanut Butter - REGULAR (Smooth) (AUG 2022)
Ready to Eat MRE Regular Peanut Butter Spread
MRE Smooth Peanut Butter (1 oz). Enjoy on MRE Crackers or MRE Bread. Be sure to knead the packet thoroughly before opening (the peanut butter and peanut oils tend to "separate" in storage). Packaging may vary.
Production Date: August 2022 [Lot #2243]
- No cooking required
- No refrigeration required
- 3 to 5 Year Shelf Life when stored at 80°F — longer if kept in cooler conditions
- MRE retort pouches are extremely durable and easy to store
MREs are packaged and designed to provide energy and nutrition for on-the-go situations, which makes MRE's an excellent choice for emergency food kits. They can also be enjoyed while camping, hiking, hunting, backpacking, picnicking, or traveling.
These shelf stable ready to eat peanut butter spreads are perfect for your emergency and survival supplies and disaster preparedness planning.
Manufactured and shipped to us direct from U.S. Military MRE suppliers.
Note: MREs do not have an Expiration Date printed on the packaging. Shelf life is dependent upon storage temperature.
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