Collection: Emergency Flashlights & Radios
Lighting & Communication Essentials for Emergencies, Disaster Preparedness, and Camping
With our apologies, we are currently OUT OF STOCK on hand-powered, Dynamo, hand crank, solar, and battery-powered LED Flashlights, as well as several styles of Emergency Radios, Safety Lights, and USB Lighting.
If you have been curious about Ham Radio operation, we highly recommend The Ham Radio Prep program makes it fast, easy and fun to get your license in just a few hours of study time. And there's even a FREE LESSON to get you started.
Courses available include:
- Level 1: Technician License Course (most popular)
- Level 2: General License Course
- Level 3: Amateur Extra License Course
Pass your FCC Amateur Radio License Exam on your first try or your money back, guaranteed! Use coupon code EPIC for your 10% discount.
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