Collection: Emergency Flashlights & Radios | Emergency Communication

Lighting & Communication Essentials for Emergencies, Disaster Preparedness, and Camping

Be Prepared: Reliable Light and Communication for Any Situation

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are currently OUT OF STOCK on hand-powered, dynamo, hand crank, solar, and battery-powered LED flashlights, as well as various styles of emergency radios, safety lights, and USB lighting. Thank you for your understanding, and please check back soon for updates on availability!

Get Started with Ham Radio Operation! — If you’ve been curious about Ham Radio operation, we highly recommend Their program makes it fast, easy, and enjoyable to obtain your license in just a few hours of study time. Plus, you can start with a FREE LESSON to kick off your journey!

If you have been curious about Ham Radio operation, we highly recommend Available Courses:

  • Level 1: Technician License Course (most popular)
  • Level 2: General License Course
  • Level 3: Amateur Extra License Course

Pass your FCC Amateur Radio License Exam on your first attempt, or your money back—guaranteed! Use coupon code EPIC for a 10% discount on your course.

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