Real Customer Reviews

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Here are a few customer comments we've received over the years...

  • "My brother and I and our sons do quite a bit of backpacking and canoeing and our food preference is Mountain House meals. A friend of mine turned me on to your website and we made a fairly large order of 32 pouches. We received the package a day earlier than estimated with no mistakes and packaged very nicely. I see why he recommended you all and I would be happy to recommend you all to my friends as well. Keep up the good work and looking forward to doing business again in the future."
  • "Got my order before I found my tracking # JOB WELL DONE!! "
  • "Friendly and helpful customer service"
  • "Knowledgeable, courteous, and honest folks!"
  • "Quick order turnaround time — fast delivery"
  • "Best selection of products and low prices"
  • "My order arrived in great condition"
  • "Paid for my order on Monday received it on Thursday. That's a quick turn around. Everything ordered was nicely packed and correct. ... I am very happy with your company. You establish a very good rapport with your customers. Answered all my questions and returned calls in a most expedient manner, within 25 minutes. Your prices are more than reasonable. I will very happily order from your company from now on and recommend you to my friends and family to do the same. Best wishes to all members of your company. Your hands do a service that supports humanity!"
  • "I just wanted to thank all of you at The Epicenter for the great service you provide. You are extremely quick to ship, have many hard to find items and great prices. You follow up with great communications as well. I love your YouTube testing videos as they have diffenatly helped me in selecting products to try or that I might like, and I love the Mountain House Seafood Chowder as much if not more than you guys do. Thank you for being in business and good luck in the future."