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Harvest Right 7.2CFM 3/4HP Vacuum Pump

14 Dec, 2017

Starting in late November 2017, Harvest Right Home Freeze Dryers will ship with this new pump. Here is your first look at the Harvest Right 7.2CFM 3/4HP Vacuum Pump:

**UPDATE** The 7.2CFM pump is no longer available from Harvest Right. If you are seeking a replacement pump, we highly recommend the Premier Pump — we have heard of no issues with the Premier Pumps from any of our customers! For more information and pricing on the PREMIER PUMP, please contact Harvest Right directly.

**ANNOUNCEMENT** EpicenterBryan is now using a LEYBOLD VACUUM PUMP to operate our two freeze dryers. For more information and pricing on the Leybold Pump, please Contact Us.

This new Harvest Right branded pump replaces the former JB Industries vacuum pump that was previously shipped with the Harvest Right freeze dryers.

Pump Comparison Data

Harvest Right 7.2CFM Branded Pump JB Industries Pump
7.2 CFM 6 CFM
3/4 HP 1/2 HP
Time to 500mTorr: 4.27 Time to 500mTorr: 4.25
Start Noise: 67.9dBA Start Noise: 73.7dBA
End Noise: 62.2dBA End Noise: 61.4dBA
38 lbs 29 lbs

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