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Stockpiling & Storing Food for Survival

19 Apr, 2023

Everyone should consider stocking up on non-perishable, shelf-stable emergency food items as part of their emergency preparedness plan. Here are some highly rated books that may be helpful when it comes to stockpiling and storing food for survival. 

57 Scientifically-Proven Survival Foods to Stockpile: How to Maximize Your Health With Everyday Shelf-Stable Grocery Store Foods, Bulk Foods, And Superfoods

N/Aby Damian Brindle
Do you know what the first items to disappear from store shelves in a disaster are? Shelf-stable foods are critical to your survival, and they’re always the first items to sell out the moment disaster strikes. Many people are left frantically scrounging for whatever they can find at the last minute or, worse, left empty-handed. But with a solid plan, you can avoid the frenzied rush and guarantee you and your family have the right foods to survive, even thrive, with this cutting-edge guide. You will discover what a healthy diet must include, 27 of the best grocery store foods to stockpile, 11 fundamental bulk foods to focus on above all others (including where to get them inexpensively and how to store them long-term), 19 "superfoods" to boost nutrition, aid digestion, and support your immune system, and how to use all of these foods to their maximum potential so you and your family not only survive, but thrive, when disaster strikes.

Get 57 Scientifically-Proven Survival Foods to Stockpile at Amazon.com.

A Year Without the Grocery Store: A Step by Step Guide to Acquiring, Organizing, and Cooking Food Storage

N/Aby Karen Morris br />While everything around us is in disarray and filled with confusion, you can take control of this area of your life and know that your family will have plenty of food, no matter what your circumstances. More importantly, if you're consistent, you can accomplish this in fifteen minutes a day or less!

You will learn how to incorporate the meals that your family already loves (taking into account your family's unique food allergies, intolerances, and preferences), how to economically store food, simple recipes using simple ingredients, how to safely store and use stored water, identify overlooked items essential for cooking your food storage, cooking without a stove, and more!

Get A Year Without the Grocery Store at Amazon.com.

Year of Self-Sufficiency: Living Without the Supermarket

N/A<by Sandy D. Griffith
A comprehensive guide to living a sustainable lifestyle without relying on the supermarket. This book offers practical tips, step-by-step guides, and inspiring stories to help readers reduce their environmental impact, improve their health, and increase their self-sufficiency.

You will learn how to grow your own food, hunt and forage for wild food, preserve food using traditional methods, and make your own household products. Learn how to create a food storage plan, learn new cooking skills, identify alternative sources of food, develop a garden plan, and build a community support network.

Year of Self Sufficiency: Living Without the Supermarket is available at Amazon.com.

Prepping for Survival 2-In-1 Collection: When Crisis Hits Suburbia + The Prepper’s Pantry – Bug in and Protect Your Family While Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Strong Immune System in Any Disaster

N/Aby Ted Riley
Would your family survive in lockdown if society were to collapse? Learn how to prepare your home now. We are used to a world in which our homes are supplied with fresh water, gas, and electricity. We're used to having our waste removed and our sanitary needs met. These are all things we've come to expect, but what would happen if they were taken away? Prepping is no longer just for preppers; every family needs to be fully equipped to hunker down at home in case the unexpected happens: Do you have enough food to see you through months without a grocery store? Have you thought about what you'd do if you had no access to running water? Are you able to live comfortably in your home without power? Preparing your home to be just that doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require you to think outside of what you’re used to. ...When was the last time you asked yourself, "What if?"

When Crisis Hits Suburbia + The Prepper’s Pantry – Bug in and Protect Your Family While Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Strong Immune System in Any Disaster is available at Amazon.com.

Surviving and Prepping with Rice and Beans. 3 Books in 1: Lots of Tasty Superfood Survival Recipes, Prepper's Water Survival Guide, Water Bath Canning & Preserving Methods to Thrive and Live Off-Grid

N/Aby Reed Parker
“I don't need to learn how to survive, I’ll be fine,” said no one ever. Learning how to survive in any given situation is just as important as the beginning of mankind. If there is an emergency that takes away all your means of survival, are you actually ready for living? Everything from recipes where rice and beans are king, water purification and storage methods, correct preservation of food, where to look for water, and how to become a well educated prepper.

Three amazing books with all the knowledge you need to survive anything life will throw at you.

Surviving and Prepping with Rice and Beans is available at Amazon.com.

Prepper’s Self-Sufficient Pantry: 7 Steps for Creating Long-Term Storage to Survive Any Disaster

N/Aby Survival Publications
Is your pantry ready to carry your family through any emergency? It's time to discover the satisfying secrets of food preservation. We rely so heavily on products that have been preserved for us that it’s easy to forget that food preservation is even necessary – let alone something our ancestors practiced in ancient times. And the trouble is, with our reliance on commercial products, as a society, we’re shockingly unprepared for a disaster.

If you’re worried that you don’t have the skills you need to supply your family with good, nutritious food – no matter how hard it becomes to get fresh supplies – food storage is your answer… and it’s a lot easier than you might have thought.

Prepper's Self-Sufficient Pantry is available at Amazon.com.

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