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Review Yoders Canned Bacon, Tactical Bacon, Hellmanns vs Best Foods Faceoff

30 Jul, 2015

TheEpicenter Crew made BLT sandwiches using Yoders Canned Bacon, and tried to answer the age old question ... is Hellmann's and Best Foods Mayonnaise really the same?

This video is more focused on the mayonnaise, but we do show what the Yoders canned bacon looks like on our tasty BLT sandwiches!

The can of Yoders bacon was given to us by one of our local customers so we could do a video for our YouTube channel viewers. How cool is that? We did not count the actual number of bacon slices, but there was a surprising amount of it in that little can.

Side Note: It would have been great if Jenny (who grew up with Hellmann's Mayonnaise) would have told us we were not pronouncing the name correctly. Oh well - we finally figured it out. ;)

N/AAt the time of this video review, we do not offer the Yoders Canned Bacon, and have been unable to procure the product to bring into our inventory.

Although Yoders Canned Bacon has not been available for quite some time, we have found an alternative option: Amish Brand Fully Cooked Thick-Cut Bacon with a 10-year shelf life, and no refrigeration required! A great item for at-home meals and camping trips, and to store away "just in case."

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