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Review BREAKFAST SKILLET - Mountain House vs Peak Refuel

13 Oct, 2022

In this video, we review Mountain House vs Peak Refuel - Breakfast Skillet, both available in a 2-serving pouch. Which is better???

The first thing you notice is the Peak Refuel serving size is WAY bigger! It also visually looks prettier than the Mountain House version. However, Janet thought there was too much green pepper in the Peak Refuel version, and we both thought the Peak Refuel Breakfast Skillet needed spices added (salt/pepper).

We both gave Mountain House 4 out of 5 stars for overall flavor and a solid 3 out of 5 stars for the Peak Refuel version. The Peak Refuel Breakfast Skillet, however, wins on overall serving size, calories, and protein per serving.

NOTE: After this video was posted, we received notice from OFD Foods that they are making Mountain House products available to us again. We have Mountain House products back in our inventory!! 

For more info, price, and availability of Mountain House and Peak Refuel products:

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